
12185392_10156223593795603_6198244766650965667_oHello and welcome to my website! My name is Marcello Meldi an I am Italian national living and working in France. I completed my Ph.D. in Automotive Technologies from the Facoltà di Ingegneria, Università degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia, Modena, (Italy) in April 2011.


I went on to do Post Doc work at the Université Pierre et Marie Curie (d’Alembert) and the Université de Aix-Marseille (M2P2) before accepting a permanent position at E.N.S.M.A. in Chasseneuil-du-Poitou in 2014. I worked there for 7 years before being appointed Full Professor at the engineering school Arts et Métiers ParisTech, where I teach courses in Mechanics and do research with the LMFL laboratory. I study turbulent flow dynamics for transport engineering applications and my research goal aims for improvement of numerical simulation techniques for the representation of realistic flows.

ciaoWhile I am best known for my research profile, I love playing sports and spending time with family and friends! Whenever possible, I like to attend gigs of my favourite alternative rock bands and I like to play MMORPG video games. I would like to use this website to interact with people as much as possible, so do not hesitate to post comments or contact me. Have fun!